Future of Energy Management Summit & Awards 2018

India as the 6th largest consumer of energy in the world, sees energy as the most important and essential resource for country’s development. Considering it being the major challenge, we shall  discuss key challenges and concerns of the domain at the Future of Energy Management Summit & Awards 20186th December 2018,  St. Regis, Mumbai where we focus to visualize energy as a national resource and we invite your consideration to support our cause.


Guaranteed and crafted to deliver a practical learning outcome. Attend to benefit you and your organization. Group nominations are flowing in from well know companies

  1. Discovering the right Approach to Energy Management
  2. How Every organization can identify its purpose of Energy management and why is it so important
  3. Keeping up with the Energy Efficiency Standards
  4. Brainstorming digitalization: A new era in energy!
  5. Best practices for strategic sustainable energy management
  6. Exploring on various Energy Efficiency Business Models and how they can implement Energy Efficient models and work on their market positions.
  7. Datacenters and Data Management for a Smart Energy Management System
  8. Hi Tech Future Energy Technology Demonstration
  9. PAT cycle Management
  10. Energy Audits

Practical Learnings  through our most appreciated and talked about Learning Labs sessions which are specific for Datacenters, Commercial Buildings, Plants and Factories, Retail and Malls.

  1. Technology Demonstration and Implementation
  2. Sharing of Best Practices

You can benchmark and learn within your own industries

Future of Energy Efficiency Awards 2018

  • Making India Energy Efficient for the year 2018
  • Best Tech Award Supporting Energy Efficiency 2018
  • Best Energy Efficient Data Center Provider 2018
  • Most Sustainable and Environment friendly organization of the year 2018

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Future Of Energy Management Summit & Awards 2018

Indian Delegates

Pricing Valid upto 07-November-2018

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Indian Delegate 15,000.00

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