L&D Tech Summit 2018

L&D technologies are changing the ways organizations deliver learning and share knowledge.
Digital disruptions have caused learning and development to move one beat away from training. Today it’s an age of technology based learnings rather than traditional methodologies. The Digital based learning helps to overcome the generation gaps and resisting nature of the corporate learners. It helps to gain a support & instil a confidence in them in terms of Learning technologies adopted  by  the  business houses. They are made future ready and act as positive  contributors  to the overall productivity. As a whole, these  advanced technologies  help  the  organization to grow and innovate at a higher level thereby giving it  a competitive advantage. It helps it to step ” One Level Up”.

“L&D Tech Summit”  that takes place on 5th December 2018, Mumbai will solve this challenge. Discussions and insights of the industry’s leading experts would help in coming up with various ways that would help the corporate learners  to become  more adaptive and supportive towards Digital learning.
Learning Outcomes L&D Tech Summit

  • The Strategies to identify the key differentiators in L&D Technology  adopted for the organization
  • Determining the appropriate matrix to assess the effectiveness of the L&D Technology adopted
  • Crafting a business case to sell the idea
  • Exploring the Latest technologies like Machine learning, Artificial intelligence & its successful means &ways for implementation

 L&D Tech Summit Format:

7 Live Case Study Presentations:
The summit consist of 20 mins case study presentation in the morning that gives a practical exposure to the types of technologies successfully  adopted &implemented by the organizations:

  1. Building the ROI business case for investment in learning and development technology
  2. Analytics and Data driven learnings
  3. Micro learning strategies
  4. Learning Tech for less tech savvy population
  5. Latest strategies for exceptional Gamification project management
  6. The changing mindset towards L&D Technology
  7. Receptiveness and adoption of technology for the Mature and large scale organizations

Panel Discussion on

L&D Technology infrastructure and adoption matrix

Learning Labs Session: Post lunch we have 5 parallel round table sessionsThe parallel round table sessions represents the best learning experiences for all participants. Each round table session is for the duration of 60 minutes that help each participant discuss a lot more in depth on practical challenges of implementation, which is usually not possible in regular presentation.

Learning LAB 

Parallel sessions 1

  1. Lessons from the frontline of LMS implementations
  2. Mobile Learning Tools
  3. AI and Machine Learning
  4. Virtual and augmented reality
  5. Simulation based learning

Learning LAB 

Parallel sessions 2

  • Micro-learning best practice
  • How to secure me commitment from busy learners
  • Learning Bytes
  • Video- Today’s Primary content format
  • Managing the complex L&D Technology Environment

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L & D Tech 2018 Brochure


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